Description of the Morphosyntax and the Functions of Relative Clauses in Argobba
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study is to describe the morpohosyntax and the
functions of relative clauses in Argobba. To do so, I use data elicited from
interview which were collected during a stay in the village of Shonke in 2010.
There are two kinds of verbs in relative clauses in Argobba: perfective and
imperfective. The perfective relative verb contains a prefixing element i- while
the prefix is im- with imperfective relative verbs. Argobba is a prenominal
language for relativization. Two relativization strategies are used: The subject
is relativized by gapping but non-subject constituents are relativized by a kind
of pronoun retention, i.e., the relativized noun is always free since it is
recoverable from the agreement markers of the relative verb. Argobba
relativizes subjects, objects (direct and indirect) and adjunct constituents. If the
head noun of a relative clause is definite both the perfective and the
imperfective relative verbs also contain a definite marker.
Argobba relative clauses are classified into restrictive and non-restrictive
relative clauses. Furthermore, relative clauses are distinguished between
lexically headed relatives vs. free headed relatives. The characteristics and the
elements of cleft constructions have also been pointed out.