Development in Addis Ababa City Administration the Relationship Between Basketball Federation and Coaches, Coaches and Players and; Players with Players and its Contribution for Basketball
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Addis Abeba university
The purpose of this study was to assess and investigate the relationship
between coaches and federation, coaches and players and among players and
suggest how to develop interaction in between them and its importance for
Basketball development in Addis Ababa city administration. The researcher
motivates to conduct his study on Coach -Federation and coach-player
relationship because relationship is considered as one of the main
determinant factor for Basketball development. Coaches, federation workers
and three clubs form female, four from first division men and two from second
division men of each six players were the participants if the study. They were
selected by using simple random and stratified sampling methods. The major
instruments in this study were questionnaire, interview, document Analysis
and field observation. The findings of the study related to the interpersonal
relationships among players of the team indicated that, 52% of the players’
responded that there is a mutual respect and were made freely communicate
and take responsibilities about each other and with the coaches. 88% of the
Federation workers replied that there is no smooth relationship in between
Basketball Coaches and Basketball federation; because coaches don’t have
any benefit that provided from the federation except the upgrade training that
is given by the help of the federation. In general, the study confirmed that 88%
of Basketball coaches have no good relationship with the Federation and;
where as 58% of the Coaches have mutual respect with the players, which
indicate that there is mutual respecting between majority of the coaches and
Key Words: Working jointly, Interpersonal relationships, Team cohesion,
Role, Human relationship, Interaction and Closeness
Working jointly; Interpersonal relationships; Team cohesion; Role; Human relationship; Interaction and Closeness