Problems of Admission and Placement of High School Leavers into the Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Three Faculties of Education
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study is to assess the problems in the admission and
placement process of high school leavers into the higher education institutions in the
jield of teacher education. To achieve this purpose, basic questions concerning the
admission and placement process were raised.
The study was conducted in selected three Higher Education Institutions which
lrain high school teachers. The sources of data are 126 academic administrative staff
memhers and instructors and ./5./ students and one acting department head.
(jlleslionnaires, interviews and document analysis were the instruments used to collect
data .fi)f' the study. The data obtained are analyzed using percentage, ./i'equency
distrilmtion and simple correlations and regressions. Based on the analysis made the
.liJllowing major findings are ohtained.
Dlle 10 the nature of the exam and lack of proper management ESLCE alone is not a
good instrument to select competent high school leavers into the teacher education
HiXh school leavers are assigned to different institlllions using talent distribution .Iystem
hIli the placement of./i'eshmen stlldents into different Faculities is based on academic
achievement ond interest. Both types of systems contmdict each other and os 0 reslllt
hOlh Edllcation Faculities and stlldents get 110 advantage. DlIe to lack of .I'ludents'
illlere.I·1 ami {({lent and ability, the altrition mte is high in Edllcatioll Faculitie.l'.
Admitillg females and other high school lea vel's ./i'om the Developillg Regions (Afar,
Beneshanglll, Gambela, Somalia) into the Higher Education Institutions with lower
ESLCE-GPA helps to promote their ellrolll1lellt only atfreshman programme. Since no
tlilorial classes and other special supports are given in the Educmion Faclliities the
prohahility of aliI' it ion rate is highfor these stlldents.
!eucher education is the least favored programme in all institutiol/s. 771e allitllde of
xreallJlajorilY oistudellts towards education programme is low alld Ihll.I' Ihe majority of
Ihem want 10 change theirfield.l· ofstlldy.
flused Oil thejilldings ohtained the following recommendations are provided:
Olle o/the preconditiolls 10 gel cOlnpetenl and qualified high school teachers is 10 make
Ihe leaching profession attractive. This needs improving of teachers evaluCllion system
(/lId payment of hardship and housing allowancesfor remote and mral areas.
SltldelllS IIIO/il" he successjiil if they are assigned on the basis of Iheir illterests and
/(I!el1ls, so that enttwlce examillCllions alld interviews are good inSlmments to idellli./ji
e!igih/e candidates.
ESlahlishl11el1l of preparCllO/y schoo!s he!p to collect potenlial studellis ./i'om the high
schools alld each higher educa/ioll institution has to organize strengthened guidance alld
cOlIIlseling services to help illdividual studems to cope up their persollal and
p.lychological problems.