Exploring The Knowledge And Practice Of Face Cleanliness to Ameliorate Trachoma as A Component of Safe Strategy In Primary School at Lay Gayint District in Gonder, Amhara Region

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Addis Ababa University


The overall objective of the study is to Explore the Knowledge and Practice of face Cleanliness to Ameliorate Trachoma as a Component of safe strategy in Primary Schools at Lay Gayint District in Gondar, Amhara Region. Researcher was employed descriptive survey method using quantitative data type. Convenient sampling was employed for this study. The reason for using Convenient sampling is that first save time and placing the population believed to be eligible about the variables researcher is studying. The analysis of the study using SPSS Software 20. The Students Knowledge towards Face Cleanliness to Ameliorate Trachoma as a Component of safe strategy Lay Gayint district, Gondar, Amhara Region on the school facial cleanliness indicators of that are directly linked to the presence of trachoma including distance from water, absence of latrines, lack of awareness in general, flies, close proximity to catch by trachoma in the schools. Study found that low level of knowledge on the common transmission routes of trachoma, how practice of facial cleaning which is potteries as presence of dirty faces in children during observations that facilitate frequent exchange of infected ocular discharge from one child’s face to another or to a caretaker and increase the rate of transmission of trachoma in schools. In other hand the study finding facial cleanliness programs in the primary schools has been portrayed substantially low practice in the school. Study suggested that the School extracurricular activities on eliminating trachoma should sensitize the schools on the importance of use of latrines to minimize flies that leads trachoma infection. Key words: trachoma, knowledge, practice, primary school



trachoma, knowledge, practice, primary school

