Assessment of Service Quality and its Effect on Customer Satisfaction on Private Wing Setup Service of Ras Desta Damtew Memorial Hospital and Menilik II General and Referral Hospital
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of the study was to assess the service quality dimensions that affects
patient satisfaction and assess the level of patient satisfaction on service quality of
private wings setup of Ras Desta Damtew Memorial Hospital and Menilik II General and
Referral Hospitals. To this purpose the researcher has studied the service quality of the
private wing service of the hospitals using SERVQUAL model. The research uses
quantitative method with the nature of both descriptive and correlational andconvenience
sampling technique was used in the study to take a sample from the population. A total
sample of 190 who have taken a medical service in both Ras Desta Damtew Memorial
Hospital and Menilik II General and Referral Hospitals were taken as a respondent. A
questionnaire was designed based on the SERVQUAL model in order to examine all five
factors of service quality in the model and additional two factors namely waiting time
and price. The research uses a non probability sampling technique which is convenient
sampling. The analysis result showsassurance has the highest mean value with 4.16
valueand reliability and empathy followed with 3.97 and 3.9 mean value respectively.
The independent variables reliability, responsiveness, empathy and waiting time has
strong relationship among variables and tangibles and price has moderate relationship
and assurance has weak relationships among variables. With the result of regression
analysis reliability, responsiveness, empathy, waiting time and price has impact on
customer satisfaction however assurance and tangibility has negative impact on the
patient satisfaction with the negative value of -0.210 and -0.034. As a result the
researcher hypothesis H1, H2, H3, H4, and H6 has accepted because it haspositively
related and has a significant impact on patient satisfaction, however, H5 and H7 has
been rejected because even if it is positively related, it has no significant impact on
patient satisfaction.Finally researcher recommended that since responsiveness, tangibles
and waiting time dimensions has a lower mean value; hospitals shall improve the above
areas to boost customer satisfaction
satisfaction, service quality dimensions, SERVQUAL