Work Allocation of Women Journalists in Amharic News Coverage: The Case of ETV

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Addis Ababa University


Assuring women's equality in different aspect of life is the most senous agenda of the country. This paper also acknowledges the importance of equitable work allocation of women journalists in shaping peoples attitude, belief and recognition towards women in general. Hence, the study mainly examines the status of female journalist work allocation in Amharic news coverage ofETY. Critical mass theory and liberal feminist approach comprise the basis for the theoretical part of the paper. The research mainly center on addressing the type of news themes and stories often covered by female journalists, the criteria of the newsroom used to give duty for journalists, female journalist's views towards their assignments in the newsroom and the views of the editors and the deputy directorate towards female journalists. Dominantly qualitative research methodology was used. FGD, in-depth interview and archive review were used as data gathering tools. As a result, the study indicates that women journalists work allocation are mostly inclined on soft issues for various reasons, though the numbers of female journalists in the newsroom are less than half of male journalists. All interviewed concerned people who have been giving assignments admitted that, in that location were no fixed and written criteria to assign journalists to cover both hard and soft news but there was a dependency on few male journalists. Lack of journalism knowledge and experience of supervisors is mentioned as one of the reasons for their inequitable work allocation because most of them have wrong perception for different news stories that male are perfect on hard topics. The research also finds out that the newsroom didnt arrange sufficient training opportunity which helps for the enhancement of women's journalist's knowledge and ski ll in relation to their lack. Tn the current set up women journalist did not face sexual harassment, however, they are tied with fear of sexual harassment by remembering stories which are happened against women journalist some years ago. Moreover. women journalists who have got married and have children are trapped by various domestic and family responsibilities and these conditions limit their potential and interest in taking responsibilities of covering most serious hard topics. Based on the findings, the researcher suggests some possible recommendations to resolve identified problems: the newsroom management should list down justified and reasonable criteria. Also newsroom management should consider journalists, educational discipline besides the status of their education otherwise they should give sufficient and helpful trainings to fill the gaps between their educational knowledge and assignments which are given to them.



Work Allocation, Women Journalists, Amharic News
