The management and utilization of educatfonal materials in Bahir Dar University
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Addis Ababa Universty
The Purpose 0/ this study is to assess the educational materials management and
utilization in Bahir Dar University. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected
through questionnaire, intervie}vs and docllments. A sample 0/82 academic stew and 123
supportive staff among I 396 staff members of the University responded to /he
questionnaire. Besides, 6 ste{/J members were interviewed. The data were analyzed using
Percentages, means, standard deviations and chi-squares. The result reveals that the
available educational materials such as computers, photocopiers and papers have not
been properly used for their intended purposes. Educational materials do not critically
planned. ,vlost p urchased educational Jnaterials are n:Jt fidly appropriate for the teaching
/eoming process. Due to the small size 0/ the existing storerooms, educational materials
[hat are taken out cannot be returned. Inventories did not made in faculties and
departments. There is no maintenance department or personnel for electronic materials
in the University. Besides, there is no 0 11 time disposition of unused edl/ca/ional
materials. With regard to needs assessment, the majority 0/ re,lpondents evaluated the
involvement of users in needs assessment of educational materials to be purchased as
average. /'vioreover, the major problems in the University regarding educational
materials management and utilization (Ire absence ofpolicy guidelines, shortage of basic
educational materials particularly for newly opened faculties and departments, and
inability to properly administer educational materials with one centralized Property
administration main section. Finally, to improve the situation it is suggested that: I-a
policy guideline should be developed by professionals and used properly. 2- Educational
materials should be criticalfy planned by users of the materials or department council
members. 3- The University shouldfuljill basic educational materials before it opens new
faculties or departments. 4- The existing maintenance section should employ qualified
electronic materials maintenance personnel. 5- Inventories should be made at least once
a year in faculties and departments; and 6-storerooms with appropriate personnel for
each faculty should be established. In addition, it is recommended to develop and use a
disposal policy guideline.