Assessment of knowledge, practice and associated factors on hypothermia prevention of Nurses among Trauma Patients.
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Addis Abeba University
Background: Trauma patients are particularly prone to hypothermia for multiple reasons including
exposure to environment or low ambient temperature, central nervous system injury, hypovolemic
shock, administration of unaesthetic drugs and cold intravenous fluid, blood and blood products which
all decrease the abilities for patients to maintain Normothermia and conserve body heat. Exposure or
accidental hypothermia in adult trauma patients is associated with poor patient outcomes and considered
an independent determinant of early death.
Objectives: the aim of this study was to assess knowledge and practice of nurses‘ and associated factors
towards hypothermia prevention among trauma patients in Addis Ababa Burn, Trauma, and emergency
(AaBET) hospital, Ethiopia, 2018/2019 G.C.
Methodology: A descriptive, cross sectional study design was conducted to determine Knowledge and
practice of nurse‘s and associated factors on hypothermia prevention in Addis Ababa Burn, Trauma,
and emergency (AaBET) hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from November 2018- May 2019.A total of
242 nurses were recruited by purposive sampling method. The data was collected by using semi
structured, self-administer questioner. SPSS version 21.0 for windows was used for data entry and
analysis, descriptive statistics, bivariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the data.
Result: More than half of 126(52.1%) of participants had good level of knowledge on hypothermia.
Nurses who are indicate resource shortage is as a challenge 2.211 times more knowledgeable than nurses
who didn‘t indicate resource shortage is as a challenge. (AOR=2.211, 95 % CI: 1.061, 5.034),)
educational status and job place satisfaction were not found to be significant at 0.05 level of p-value.
The findings also show that, above half 125(52.5%) study participants had good level of practice on
hypothermia prevention. Work experience, resource shortage, and on job training were associate in
bivariate analysis but were not found to be significant in multivariate analysis.
Conclusion and recommendation:
Although practice of hypothermia prevention in trauma patient appears to be easy, the nurse‘s
knowledge on hypothermia and level of practice on hypothermia still has with big difficulties. This can
have a significant impact on trauma patient that facilitate the increment of morbidity and mortality
relating to trauma, therefore periodic on-job training and pre service training, regarding hypothermia and
its prevention should be provided to all staff nurses and the development and subsequent implementation
of simple algorithmic practice guideline is expected to improve the recognition and prevention of
hypothermia in trauma patient.
Hypothermia, Knowledge and Practice.