Assessement of Health Care Providers‘ Attitude and Associated Factors Towards Safe Abortion Care at Public Health Institiutions in East Gojjam Zone, Amhara, Ethiopia, Cross Sectional Study,2015
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Addis Ababa University
Background: Globally, unsafe abortion has become one of the fifith causes of
maternal mortality and morbidity. Studies suggested that health care providers‘ attitudes
towards safe abortion had an impact on safe abortion. In the countries where abortion is one
of the major challenges, such attitudinal assessment is vital. The reason is that in Ethiopia,
the annual rate of abortion was 23 per 1, 000 women aged 15-44 and the abortion ratio was
13 per 100 live birth. It was supposed that maternal mortality is closely related to the quality
of health facilities and professionals.
Objective: Assessment of Health Care Providers‘ Attitude and Associated Factors towards
Safe Abortion care at Public health institution, in East Gojjam zone Amhara, Ethiopia, Cross
Sectional Study, 2015.
Method: A descriptive cross sectional study was done from January to June, 2015 using
self administrative questionnaire. 249 samples of health care providers were targeted. Of
these, 238 respondents completed and returned the questionnaires completel y. Hence,
with the response rate of 96.5%, the data was coded into Epi data version 3.1 and computed
with SPSS version 21 for its statistical significance and cross tabulation. The data was
interpreted with simple frequency distribution,cross tabulation, logistic regression for
statistical significance with confidence interval of 95 % of alpha 0.05.
Result : The study revealed that 92.4% of health care providers believed that unsafe abortion
was one of the major health problems in Ethiopia. Providers who had formal training were
3.740[95% CI 1.728-8.094] times more likely to have favorable attitudes than those who had
no training. Similarl y, providers who had perform abortion were 2.025[95% CI 1.050-3.905]
times more likely to have favorable attitudes than those who did not perform. Those health care
providers who needed more legalization were 2.243[95% CI 1.059- 4.752] times more likely
to have favorable attitudes than those who did not support more legalization
Conclusion and Recommendation: It was concluded that training and more legalization were
found to be significant to determine the attitudes of health care providers. It is recommended
that health care providers should be given abortion training and legaliz ation to abortion should
be more liberalized than the current status.
Key words: Health care provider, attitude, and safe abortion care
Health care provider, Attitude, Safe abortion care