Audience Reception Study on Debub FM 100.9 Programs with Special Focus on 'Sile Tenawo Yiteyiku'
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Addis Ababa University
This study aims at finding out the audiences' response regarding Debub FM 100.9 programs
with particular reference to issues related to health. In light of this, attempts were made to
assess audiences' program preference, their purpose for listening to the program, and some
factors influencing their reception towards the program. Regarding related literature,
attempts have also been made to review various literatures written in related with the theme.
Accordingly, different theoretical frameworks with particular emphasis to the uses and
gratifications approach were presented and discussed.
The research method used in this study was quantitative approach. Hence, in order to find
answers to the research questions, questionnaire was used as a major instrument of data
collection. Accordingly, three hundred questionnaires were distributed to a randomly
selected subjects of Hawassa city residents and Hawassa University students. Factors like
age, sex, education, occupation, and place of residence were considered to be among the
issues that could influence the response of audiences for a particular media text.The analysis of the data shows that age, gender, and education factors were important in
influencing the audiences' program (genre) preferences, and their opinions towards the
specific program called "Sile Tenawo Yiteyiku". As (McQuail, 2000) states the need of
audiences varies according to their experience, gender and educational levels. Thus, the
finding reveals instances whereby majority of male respondents preferred to listen to news
and educational programs than fema le respondents.
What is more , the findin g also indicates that s ign ificant majority of the respondents in all
age groups agreed that " Sile Tenawo Yiteyiku " is certainly educative. However, few of the
younger participants viewed the is sues rai sed in the program in a negat ive way. On the other
hand, place of re sidence and occupation differences were not that much critica l factors in
influencing audience reception in thi s study. With reference to occupation, the analysis
shows that the tran smission time of "Sile Tenawo Yiteyiku" was un suitabl e for the
overwhelming majority of the re spondents, especially for tho se who were students and
government employees. Based on the findings, the stud y ha s made some pertinent
Debub FM 100.9 Programs, Special Focus on 'Site