Impacts of Female Infertility on Women's Lived Experience: The Case of Women Visiting Gondar Hospital, Amhara Region
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Berihun, Tinsae
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Addis Ababa University
Ever exisled worldwide, bUI hasn 't been well researched aspecl Fom women's point of view,
infertilily is a problem in which women are suffering Fom ils multidimensional consequences in
North Gondar Zone-Amhara Region. Realizing this, this sludy is conducted 10 explore the
impacts of Female infertility on women's lived experience in the socia-cultural, psychological,
marital, economic, sexual and health dimensions. The primwy data were collected by employing
in-depth interviews for infertile women, as a major source of data collection tool and interviews
to key injormants complemented with survey questionnaire.
The study revealed that childlessness affected the social, psychological, marital and economic
conditions of infertile women. It was also found that infertility has a potential to affect the sexual
life of women which resulted Fom the severe p;ychological trauma. Moreover, including the
possible pains following their infertility, infertile women are found at the risks of STi and
HIVIAIDS since extra-marital relationship is highly practiced by Iheir husbands as well as by
Ihemselves. This filrther indicated that divorce and remarriage have grounds in childless marilal
The study also pointed out thai inferiile women show maximal interesls to bear children due 10
various reasons like- 10 gain labor aid, financial and care supporllill death and even afier death
10 carry onfamily's name, to meet socielal expectations, tofiliJili the norms ofwomen 's idenlity,
to get prestige and happiness, to keep husband's name, and to ensure legitimate tramier of their
properties. Regarding their options, infertile women are told to get injimility test with Iheir
husbands which imply the inclusion of men in the problem. Although there is a chance of
undergoing infertility Ireatmel1l, poor medicalfacililies and inadequate medical specialists at
GondaI' Ho;pital are hindrances in which infertile women encounlered when seeking solulions to
Iheir problems.
Hence, it is suggested thai the availability of inferlility treatment centers with proper facil ities,
adequale and well-qualified professionals in infertility need 10 be fit/filled. In addition,
counseling services for couples should be provided logether wilh the infertililY trealmenl.
Raising the awareness of Ihe SOCiety about the causes and prevention methods Ihrough health
education is also found to be central to reduce the blame and abused relationship that infertile
women faced.
Female Infertility on, Women's Lived Experience