The Implementation of Science Curricula in Missionary Owned Secondary Schools of Ethiopia: The Case of Catholic Church in East Shoa, Oromia Regional State.

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Addis Ababa University


This study was sought to understand hall' /Ilissiollary oll'ned secuJldwy seh()ul" implement the science curricula of grade 9 and 10 vis-ct-vis the Edll('(/lioJl <IIJ.! Training Policy of the counll y. The stU(~V WClS condllcted OJi three Cai/lOlie ClllIrcl: owned secondQ/y schouls in Emt ShuCl Zune, I i) ([chie1'e the objectil'es (!f'tllc .1'/11"1', all school principals (3 in number~) and all science teachers (f..I iJi Jlllill bel's) H'c'I'c' selected based on their availability and 140 stlldents were selected throllgh sillipl.: random samp:,ng technique. In-depth interviews with principals, focus group discussions with sciel1ce h'acll.:J'I observations and questionnaires for students and teachers were e/llplun:d t(l culi,,,:; data for this study. The data obtained were analyzed IIsing hUIII (1IIiIIi/i lu/in! (I!J(I qualitative analysis methods, The study revealed that the surveyed schools were sliccessjiti ill creUlill:~ "l conducive teaching learning coil/ext f or science curricula ill ter/llS 0/ SIIPP!\, ,J! infrastructures, instructional facili lies, and lIIaterial resollrces (phrs icu//.1'), crL'(lii!;~: good communication channel alliong school cOlllll1unities and pruvidillg ill-seITi.:c· training programs for teaching staff. That is, they attempted 10 invest more for successful implementation of science curriculum malerials, In contrast to these fac ls, most of aclivities observed in the schools II 'en.' II()/ congruence wilh the statements of curriculum lIIalerials, This is cI'id<.'ili I/;al principals and teachers performance with regard to the requirelllellts of c!lrriculllJII materials were found minimal and students' attitude 0/ learning science slIhjec!s was also nol as expected In general, it was found that the schools dOll 'I illiplellle'lii the science curricula as intended Attempt has beell lIlade to idelltil.i' .fixllli'S 11i, lf hinder the successful implementation 0/ clirriclIlIIIII lIIaterials, .' [IIIUlig III.: /1.'1 ,)),1' identified: the complex nature of school managelllel1l slruclurf!, s/turlllgo: ur l'I.:,il:l'(I/ll instructional malerial resources in the schools for grade 9 and 10 scif!nce silbiects, lack of commitment on the side of princljJa/s, sludents and teachers 10 lIlili:e' tli" available school resources, absence of collaboralioll trelld be/lI'eell JIIissiOI1 SC//(If)l" and governmental bodies and absence of releval1l in-se/Tice tmining IJrogr(llilS /!I' teachers were found the major challenges that hinder the el./ecfil'C' ClirriclIIlI1II implementation process in the surveyed schools,



Science Curricula in Missionary
