Skilled Manpower Turnover and its Management the Case of Ethiopian Roads Authority

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Employee turnover is an important and pervasive feature of the labor market. Employee turnover affects both workers and the firms. Workers experience disruption, the need to learn new job-specific skills and find different career prospects. Firms suffer the loss of job specific skills, disruption in production and incur the costs of hiring and training new workers. Turnover is a serious and costly problem but it is rarely seen as such by the people who could take action to prevent it. Often they fail to take action partly because departing employees couch their reasons of leaving in cryptic and euphemistic language. They do so because they distrust the company -often one of their reasons for leaving. Many upper managers believe that departing employees are going to a better place, and not leaving an undesirable one-sometimes because that is what they want to believe. A high level of Labor Turnover could be caused by many factors such as inadequate wage levels leading employees to move to competitors; poor morale and low level of motivation within the workforce; recruiting and seeking the wrong employees in the first place; a buoyant local labor market offering more attractive opportunities to employees and miss-match between employee's personal values, career, goals and plans with the larger corporate culture. High labor turnover has become a problem for government institutions. Well experienced and qualified professionals leave position they held in government offices. Ethiopia Roads Authority is one of the victims of this high labor turnover. Currently the Ethiopian Roads Authority is facing a frequent turnover of staff, and as such the high turnover is costing the authority in terms of productivity, money and time.



Skilled Manpower, Roads Authority
