Opportunities and Challenges of Teaching. and Challenges of Teaching and Learnin Mother Tongue As A Medium of Instruction: The Caseof Sidama Languacj
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Addis Ababa University
The lIIain objective of this study was aimed at investigating the opporl/lilities alld
challenges of leaching and learning in Sidamigna as a mediulll of instruclioll ill Ihejirsl
cycle prilllwJ! schools ofSid{/m{/ Zone and A\IIassa Kifle Ketema Admillistralil'!' TO\llIl .
Although a lot of effort has been exerted in promoting Sidamiglla as a mediullI of
illstruction ill tlte ZOll e, IIIUCIt relllains to be done and other problems 10 be lackled.
Hence, tit is paper is specifically aimed at identifYing those problems and suggesl possible
solutions to the problems identified. To achieve this end, a descriptive survey method \\'as
elllployed The source of the dala for the study were students. teachers. prillcipals.
parents and education bureau officials. The sampling techniques applied ill Ihe slud),
were simple randolll sampling. purposive and availability sampling (te;:hniqu es).
Tlte inSlmlllents used to colleCl the data were questionnaires, interviews am/foclls group
discussions. The data collected were analyzed both quantitalively and qualitalively. The
data gathered though questionnaires were analyzed by using frequency coullls and Ih eir
percenlages; where as tlte data gathered through interviell' alld focus group discussialls
were analyzed 1.lsing descnjJtive statements and/or explanatioll s.
The fin dings of the study indicated that students. teachers principals. educalioll bureau
offiCials alld parellts were suppartive of using Sidamigna as a llI ediullI of inslructioll. III
the stud)! it was also found out that textbooks are prepared for the students are in line
with their age and ability. The students also confirmed that their learning in Iheir 1lI0lher
longue has also helped them to follow their lessons witlt oul difficull)'. ro acliveil'
parlicipale in Ihe classroolll and to feel proud and develop confidence in rh eir own
languagefor being used as a Illedium of instruction. However. the majoril)' of rhe sludenls
and parenls preferred if Amharic and English were used as a llIedium of instmclion . the
majorily of WltOIll chose English.
The findings of tlte study also reveled that there is deficiency of educational malerials.
Textbooks are in short supply; supplementwJ! reading materials, references. teachers
guides and libraI')' facililies are almost absent. Moreover. lack of COllllll illllellr alld
illrerest by SOllie teachers to teach in the language, a misrllalch belweell Ihe rraillillg
program and the knowledge gained when put in actual praclice. shortage of rhe dural ion
of the training program for teachers, lack of involvement by parents in school aClivilies
were the major problems identified during the study.
Based 0/1 the findings, supply of the necessary curricula materia ls. upgrading IIl1quaitfied
leachers. supervising and evaluating the training program at TTl, persuasion of sludents,
parents and the cOl11l11ullity to ensure participation and suggested. Moreover. jilrther ill
depth investigation of the problems at all levels in also recommended.
Challenges of Teaching and Learnin