Assessment of Non-Governmental Organizations Intervention in supporting lddirs for Sustaining Community Development: A Comparative study of three NGOs in Akaki Kality Sub City, Addis Ababa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study has been to assess the role ofNGOs ' interventions in supporting CBO,
iddirs for sustaining community development activities for ensuring sustainability of benefits for
target community. It was undertaken in one of the sub cities of Addis Ababa City Administration,
Akaki Kality in which many NGOs are striving more for mitigating the plights of the of poor
through supporting individuals and community structures like iddirs. The study was designed to
assess the overall NGOs ' thematic functions in the area, prevailing strategies for sustaining
community development activities, existing challenges and constraints that impede sustainability
of benefits and possible alternatives for ensuring sustainability in community development
activities by CEO, iddirs. PrimOlY data was collected from 37 respondents who were selected
purposively in snow ball technique Fom the three cases NGOs, II iddirs and two government
sector offices. Data was largely collected by using qualitative methods like key informants
interview, semi-structured interview, focus group discussion, and personal observation but
quantitative data also included in the comparative study of the three cases, NGOs for supporting
the arguments of qualitative findings. The main findings of the research show that NGOs have
followed different strategies to support CBO, iddirs for the sake of sustaining their social
interventions and ben~fits for target community. However, there is no accountability mechanisms
established that compel iddirs to benefits the needy groups for the resources what they have
supported Fom NGOs. This shows the existence of poor linkage and coordination among main
development actors for practicing community development in sustainable manner. In addition,
those NGOs who have been focusing on economic empowerment of community members through
organizing them in SACCOs, SHG and group cooperatives have brought changes on their life
and sustain benefits. Relating /0 this, iddirs have obtained capacity building supports for
enabling to lake over responsibilities for the purpose of sustaining benefits 10 community. Hence,
there need to create accountability mechanisms on iddirs and other development actors as well
as give due attention for promoting community involvement, empowerment, linking and
embedding of activities with existing system and withdraw of direct support gradually for
enhancing sustainability of benefits.
Key Words: NGO, CBO, Iddirs, Community development, Sustainability of benefits, Capacity
NGO, CBO, Iddirs, Community development, Sustainability of benefits, Capacity building