A Study on Gender Differences in Teacher-Student Interaction in EFL Classrooms: with Special Reference to Four Private High Schools in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


The purpose of the study was to analyze gender differences in teacher student interaction. To this end, a descriptive method was employed in the study. Scvcn English teachers and 48 students werctakcn as sample of the study from four private high schools in Addis Ababa. A modified observational instrument (INTERSECT) and questionnaire were employed in the data collection process. The data obtained using classroom observation and question ire were analyzed by using percentage and a statistical method chi square. Results of the data analysis indicated that significant differences were evidenced between teachers' use of evaluative interaction type, and evaluative I interaction content towards male and female students . The general levels of teacher student interactions, the extent of reprimands, and the involvement of students in interaction with the teachers a ll show domination by males. Female ftudents' participation in asking and answering questions is very limited. Teachers also give more chances to male students in classroom interaction. Although no significant difference was observed between male and female students' talk initiation, teachers' talk initiation showed significant difference in relation to students' talk initiation. Finally, based on the major findings it was recommended that teachers need to be educated about gender equitable teaching during work shop or seminars, administrators could also incorporate observations of gender equity into their regular classroom observations and it would be beneficial to provide teach e rs with current articles regarding gender equity as they are published.



A Study on Gender Differences

