Identity Status and Sexual Experiences Among Adolescent Students in Debre Markos Town
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose (~f this study was to illvestigate the nature of identity status and
sexual experiences ami the relationship between these two variables. Three hundred
forty one (230 male and 111 female) adolescent students were selected ./i-om Debre
Marlws Secondmy School, Debre Markos PreparatOlY School amI Debre Marlws
University through simple random sampling technique.
Data were collected using que8tionnaire (lml analyzed by chi 8quare and one way
ANOVA. The result revealed that only some students (37.24 %) have achieved their
identity. The re8t were found to have moratorium, difft/sion and foreclosure identity
status. Be8ide8, there was no 8tatistically 8ignificant association between identity statllS
ami sex ()(2=5.97, df=3, p>0.05). However, there was 8tatistically significant
association between identity status and age ()(2=39.51, df=3, p<0.05). As regards
sexual experiences, it was foulld out thul more tllllll hall (55. 7°;'.) of the 8tudents have
been involved ill sexllal activities like kissing ami intercourse. There was statistically
significant association between sex ami sexual experiences ()(2=IO.85, df=l, p<0.05).
Most importantly, there was a statistically significant association between idelltity
status and sexual involvement (:)(2 =14.53, df=3, P <0.05). That is, Identity achieved
studell/s were found most involved in sexllal activities followed by l1Ioratorium and
difft/sed studellts. Students with foreclosure status, on the other hand, were found to be
least involved in sexllal activities. There was also sigl/ificallt difference ill the nUlllber
of partller amollg students with the different identity status (F (3,147) =4.21, p< 0.05).
Diffilsed students were most engaged with IIIl1ltiple partners (three partners on the
average) followed by moratorium students (two partners on the average). Foreclosed
alld idel1ti~v achieved students had approx imately sillgle (on e) sexual partner. There
was I/O significant differellce among stl'tf..·.'Ils categorized under the foul' identity types
in terllls of duration of relationship with a partner. Sin ce it is diffiCUlt to investigate all
issues of sexuality and identity in a single research like this, further alld detail shall
be conducted by other scholars.
sexual experiences, and the relationship between these two variables