Th e Practices of Health Pro fess ionals in Medical Soc ial Wo rk in M in l ik II H osp it al

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Addis Ababa University


Most health institutions in Ethiopia lack to look the client with multifaceted perspective. These health institutions do not focus on the clients personal, biological, psychological and environmental aspects. This kind of handling the client is partial treatments of his problem. Social worker provides services to meet the needs of individuals, communities and society. So, the main objective of this research was to identifY the practices of health professionals in medical social work at Minlik 11 hospital. Qualitative research design was used. The tools for primary data collection were in-depth interview andfocus group discussion in order to gain indepth information. Eighteen health professionals who were working in Minlik II hospital were involved in the study. The data were analyzed by triangulation technique, to create a meaning ji-om qualitatively generated data. The finding of this research show that health professionals have poor understanding of the medical social work practice within the health facilities, no involvernents of social work practices with in their day to day activities and no work relationships with the hospital social work departments. The result of the study has an indication for the medical ,·ocial work interventions and establishment ofstmng social work departments in the health care institutions. The implication of the research aim at the implication of applying the medical social work practices with in the health institutions all over Addis Ababa and throughout the country effectively and consistently.



Social Work in Minlik ll Hospital

