Challenges, Opportunities and Future Prospects for Implementation of New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)

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Addis Ababa University


The critical challenge of development for Africa in the 21st century is an issue around which there is considerable consensus. In the context of debate, the new partnership for Africa’s development (NEPAD) has been promoted by its initiators as Africa’s Development blue print for meeting its development challenges. This study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of the new partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) in fostering sustainable growth and Development in Africa. The adoption of new partnership for Africa’s development (NEPAD) by the African heads of state and government in 2001 as a policy frame work for the socio- economic renewal of the continent heralded a new beginning that would inspire and energize development action throughout the continent. NEPAD provides all opportunity for African countries to demonstrate ownership and leadership in setting the development Agenda and carrying it out. It also expected to facilitate co-operation with the international community. However, it is fraught with many challenges, which are likely to impede the effectiveness of its implementation. These challenges include structural constraints, Political constraints, and Economic constraints. To this end, the study proffers some recommendations, which include:- to clarify the responsibilities of the NEPAD structures, regional and designated institutions in the implementation process, to broaden and deepened discussion with the wide public and all stakeholders strengthening the RECs secretariat, should design an evaluation instrument based on measurable out comes with bench marks related to the objectives of NEPAD. therefore, the study reveals that the road to a successful and effective NEPAD, and thus to a peaceful and prosperous Africa may lie in the future, but the foundation for Africa’s political and economic renaissance must be laid now.



Africa’s Development

