Prevalence of Rota virus and Associated Risk factors among under five Children with Gastroenteritis in Selected Health Facilities of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Title: - Prevalence of Rota Virus and Associated Risk factors among Under Five Children with
Gastroenteritis in selected health facilities of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Background: - Rota virus, the most common cause of severe gastroenteritis, is responsible for 2
million hospitalizations and 600,000 deaths among children under five years worldwide annually.
More than 85% of these deaths occur in low resource countries. Ethiopia is one of the five countries
with the greatest rotavirus burden worldwide and accounts for 6% of all rotavirus deaths globally.
Objective: - The main aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of rota virus and
associated risk factors among under five children with gastroenteritis in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Methods: - A cross-sectional, hospital based prospective study was conducted from January –
March 2014. A total of 246 children with gastroenteritis were consecutively selected. Appropriate
amount of stool specimen was collected and investigated for rota virus by using EIA method. Care
givers were interviewed using structured and pre-validated questionnaire. Data was entered in to
Epi Info version 3.5.4 and analyzed using SPSS version 20 software.
Result: - Among a total of 246 children, 127(51.6%) were males and the mean age of children was
28.5 months. One hundred thirty nine (56.5%) feed on solid food; however, 4.1% were on exclusive
breast feeding. Regarding the clinical features, 54.1% had vomiting, 66.3% abdominal pain, and
19.1% were with tenesmus. Most of, 98% used piped water and 98.4% had good hand washing
practice. Eighty five (34.6%) children were infected by rota virus, 31.3% by bacteria, and 26.4%
by protozoa parasite. The most frequently isolated entro-bacterial pathogen was E. coli, and
Enteamoaba was the most common parasite identified by direct microscopy. Rota virus infection
was not significantly associated with any potential factors. Therefore, there was no an independent
predictor of rota virus infection.
Conclusion: - The prevalence of rota virus was high among under five children with acute
gastroenteritis in selected health facilities of Addis Ababa Ethiopia. Therefore early age
vaccination and good hygiene keeping should be considered and be expanded as one important
means of prevention for rota virus diarrhea. Large scale survey should be conducted in all regions
to know the actual rota virus diarrhea burden and vaccine efficacy throughout the country.
Health Facilities