Cardiac Patient’s Satisfaction with Nursing Care and Associated Factors in Governmental Hospitals Addis Ababa,May 2021.

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Addis Ababa University


Background: Patient satisfaction with nursing care and associated factors is considered as an important factor in explaining patients’ perceptions of service levels in the health institutions. InEthiopia, including Addis Ababa there is no study that assessed cardiac patients’ satisfaction with nursing care and that was why this research was conducted to result in better conclusion and recommendation for further improvement of the service factors. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess cardiac patient satisfaction with nursing care and associated factors among admitted patients to cardiac care Units hospitals in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia. Methodology: The research applied a quantitative, cross-sectional design by taking consecutive sampling technique and interview was conducted on 234 respondents by trained BSc nurse data collectors at Black Lion, St. Paul, Yekatit-12 and St. Petre Hospital cardiac units. The rate ofrespondents was 100% due to frequent traveling and interviewing of admitted patients. The datacollected was checked for quality, cleaned, entered and analyzed by using SPSS version-23. Data collection was conducted from February-April and analysis and thesis writing in May, 2021. Result: A total of 234 inpatients from the four hospital cardiac units were approached and 100%of them participated in the study. Most of the patients rated nursing care as not fully satisfied(52.8%) while those who are fully satisfied are only (47.2%). The nurses assurance levels was the lowest from all nursing care factors on which patients are disappointed by their response to their enquires followed by their responsiveness dimension and the third lowest level was nurses reliability dimension. Confidentiality dimension of nurses was rated in a better position wherefully satisfaction level was (70%). The tangibility factor, hospital facilities, was also rated as the lowest (49%) satisfactory mainly access to bedpans, urinals and screens was the lowest value in staffing the patients. Discharge teachings and informing about what to do on the problems that will arise are the less satisfactory rated as 18.8 and 17.9% respectively. Conclusion and recommendation: Most patients’ satisfaction was highly negatively influenced by how nurses were responding in reliability dimension towards patients and level of teaching of nurses. The need to improve on nurses’ communication, teaching levels and behaving towards patients mainly to assure their patients condition has been recommended.



Nursing care, cardiac patient, satisfaction,
