Prevalnce of Work Related Lower Back Pain and Assocaiated Factors among Welders in Selected Metal and Engineering Industries in Addis Ababa and Surrounding Towns

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Addis Ababa University


Background: - Work related lower back pain is one of the commonest musculoskeletal disorders affecting all age groups including adults in work place. Welding Workers in Metal and engineering industry are commonly exposed to lower back pain. There is limited information on the prevalence and associated factors that leads to work related lower back pain. Objective: -The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of work related Lower Back Pain and to identify associated factors among welding workers Methods:- - Cross-sectional study design was implemented from March – April /2017 among 422 welders in selected metal and engineering industries in Addis Ababa and surrounding towns. An Amharic version adapted and pre tested Standard Nordic Musculoskeletal questionnaire was used to collect data using four data collectors and two supervisors. Data was entered in EPI info version 7 and analyzed using SPSS version 21. Frequency tables, graphs and descriptive summaries were used to describe the study variables and co-linearity test were done. To control the effect of confounding variables, multivariate logistic regression models with hierarchical entry of core variables was done. Variables with p-value less than 0.05 under 95% CI in final model were considered as significant Results: - The twelve month prevalence of work related lower back pain among this working group was 62.1 % with 95% C.I: (57.5, 66.7%). longer service years for more than 20 years [AOR (95% C.I): 3.58 (1.14-4.36), repetitive task within < 30 second [AOR (95% C.I): 2.26 (1.18-4.32)], not get training on OSHA [AOR (95% C.I): 4.4 (2.68 -7.20), not doing physical exercise regularly [AOR: 2.17, 95% CI ((1.36-3.46)], extended working hours for more than 8 hours [AOR (95% CI : 3.66 (2.06-6.51) were predictors for work related lower back pain. Conclusion and Recommendation: -The prevalence of work related lower back pain was higher among welding workers. Working for longer years, not performing repetitive tasks, extended working hours, absence of training on OSHA and regular physical exercise, were the most contributing factors in increasing lower back pain. Therefore the factory managers should under gone job rotation for those with higher service years to less loaded area, workers should done regularly physical exercises, get training on OSHA for all existing and new hired workers and MOLSA should enforce factory management to stick to ILO proclamation on healthy working hours to reduce risk of developing low back pain among welders Key words: - Welders, Work related lower back pain, Ethiopia



Welders, Work related lower back pain

