Integration of the Ethiopian Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) Strategy into the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP-II) Process: Implications to the Most Vulnerable Social Groups

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Addis Ababa University


Integration of climate agenda into a national development is fast emerging as a major policy agenda. This is expected to provide better alternative visions and processes to achieve social, environmental and economic objectives in a holistic way. This study is a policy research and aims to examine the integration or planning process of the CRGE strategy into -GTP II, describes the implementation arrangements of this plan and draws key implications to the most vulnerable social groups. It further considers its implications to social policy processes, research and/or academic discussions, and better development practices. The study then adopted a qualitative research approach to explore the policy development and planning process in the context of GTP-II, which has attempted to respond to ensure sustainable development in the context of climate change by integrating the CRGE strategy objectives into the national development process. Despite serious debate around the ways in which equity and justice –– can be integrated with economic or environmental priorities, these issues remain on the margins of the mainstream green economy agenda. Also sidelined are questions about how green economy strategies impact different social groups and patterns of inequality; whose values, priorities and interests are shaping the concept and policies of green economy. Then, the question that needs answer is ‘how does the integration of the CRGE strategy into GTP-II add value for the most vulnerable social groups’? Though GTP-II attempted to integrate the CRGE objectives and relevant institutions are established to coordinate these green economy agenda, which are encouraging there are still remaining tasks for a successful integration particularly in terms of including the most vulnerable social groups. The key factors that need to be addressed include: ensuring participatory policy development and planning, creating institutional arrangements with clear duties and powers in terms of ensuring both vertical consistency and horizontal synergy, focusing on research and knowledge management as well as capacity building both in terms of – institutional and human to conceptualize ‘climate change aware’ development, and developing relevant tools including planning guidelines, conceptual and analytical frameworks, and M&E guidelines to enable successful integration of the climate change agenda into the national development plan



climate change; sustainable development; integration; participatory development; implementation arrangement; vulnerable social groups.

