The Role of Productive Safety Net Program In Meeting Food Security At Household Level: The Case of Ha Wassa Zuria Woreda of Sidama Zone, Snnp Regional State

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Addis Ababauniversity


This study assesses the role of Productive Safety Net Program in meeting food security at household level in Hawassa Zuria woreda. The focus of the study was looking into factors contributing to food insecurity, the effects that PSNP has in beneficiary households, the utilization of transferred food/cash and its appropriateness of local market and the extent of linkoge with other food security and development programs. Primary data was collected through household survey; focus group discussion and in-depth interview with key informants, while secondary data from woreda report related to PSNP and Program Implementation Manual were the major source of data. Conceptual framework was developed based on the objective of PSN P. The result of the study revealed that lack of sufficient food production coupled with meager income from non-farm employment constrained both availability of and access to food for study population. As a result, they have been more reliant on annual food aid. Currently, PSNP payment for beneficiary households have resulted in considerable effects and exhibited undeniable improvement in their life. However, the objective of preventing jitrther impoverishment of most of vulnerable families was partially achieved probably due to the transftr were too small and often delivered too late, Despite the encouraging change on consumption pattern of households, PSNP has been less successjitl in rebuilding strong asset that could enable graduation of many poor households out of food insecurity. Furthermore, dependency attitude, absence or poorly integrated with other food security intervention, transfer of resource that does not meet beneficiaries preference etc have constrained the potential of the program. Finally, the study recommends diversification of income sources, consider family planning part offood security, need assessment before deciding on the mode of payment , targeting should be based on clearly seated wealth status, continuous monitoring and awareness creation to minimize dependency attitude and strong coordination and partnership towards community empowering. Key words: Food security, Asset prevention, Household, Safety Net, Graduation



Food security, Asset prevention, Household, Safety Net, Graduation
