Assessment of Men Involvement on Family Planning In Rural Communities of Jeldu Woreda, West Shewa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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Addis Abeba Universty


Background: In order to slow the current rapid population growth particularly in less developed countries, family planning programs have always been considered as the intervention of choice. These programs, however, are seen to give little attention to the roles that could be played by men regarding family planning. Different studies focus mostly on the role that is played by women neglecting those of men. As a consequence, there is shortage of information on factors which prevent men to be involved on family planning in Ethiopia. Objective: To assess the role of currently married men in family planning utilization in rural communities of Jeldu Woreda, West Shoa Zone Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on a total of 804 currently married men in the age group of 15-59 years. A total of 6 kebeles were selected from 38 rural kebeles of the Woreda using simple random sampling method. Study households were selected from each kebeles through systematic random sampling. A pre-tested, structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Results: Virtually all men (91.8%) had heard of family planning, but only 31.4% could correctly define the term. Nearly two-third of respondent knew presence of male contraceptives, and 92.3% of them know where to get information about them. About 95.3% of the respondent said family planning is important and a similar proportion of them approved use of contraception. About half of study participants were currently using at least one method of contraception with their wives. A multivariate result showed a significant relationship between knowledge of family planning (AOR=26.03, 95 %CI 6.180, 109.624), joint decision making (AOR=2.66, 95% CI 1.038, 6.536), decision made by wife alone (AOR=1.66, 95%CI 1.046, 2.634), possession of radio (AOR=1.46, 95%CI 1.045,2.038) and current use of family planning. Conclusion: In conclusion, knowledge of contraceptive method, joint decision making, decision made by wife alone and possession of radio, were identified as key factors affecting contraceptive use among married men in the study area.



Assessment of Men Involvement on Family Planning

