Assessment of Condom use for prevention of HIV/AIDS among members of Ethiopian Army at Zalambesa front Tigray Regional State.
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Berehe, Fisseha
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Addis Abeba Universty
Since the beginning of the pandemic, AIDS has been spreading at alarming rate
worldwide. Ethiopia is one of the most seriously affected countries in the region, with
the national prevalence rate of 4.4%. Institutional based cross- Sectional survey
through a self-administered structured and semi- structured questionnaires were
conducted from December 2004 to January 2005 in randomly selected brigade in
zalambesa front northern Ethiopia to assess the utilization of condom and highrisk
sexual behavior of the militaries. A total of 845 soldiers participate in the
quantitative study. 4 FGD were conducted in the qualitative study. From those 840
who completed the questionnaires, 486 (58.8) were PVT, 267 (32.3%) other rank
and 73(8.8%) officers. Among respondents, 837 (99. 9%) heard about male
condom, and 799 (95.9%) reported that they could get condom whenever they
want. Among the total respondents 828(98.8%) ever had sexual intercourse
(sexual active), from those 781 (94.1%) ever used condom and 71.2% used
condom consistently. The mean age of first sexual intercourse was 19.6+ 3.2
years, most of the respondents 762 (90.8%) had been sexually active during the
previous 12 months, of those 582(76.4 %) had sex with regular partners, 534(70.1
%) had commercial partner and 412(54.1%) had non – regular non commercial
partner in the last 12 month.
Similarly most of the military personal had multiple partners, 52.4% and 32.7%
had sex with commercial and non- regular partner respectively. Of the 429(80.3%)
who were sexually active with commercials sex worker, 398 (92.8%) have used
condom in the previous 12 months and 279 (71.0%) used condom consistently.
The reason given for not using condom was drinking alcohol. About 99% of the
respondent knew about STIs, and urethral discharge was the most common known
symptom and sign followed by Genital ulcer 683 (82%) and 511(61.4%)
Almost all, 822 (99.0%) of the respondents ever heard about HIV/AIDS, about
626 (77.4%) of the respondent knew a person who was infected with HIV or who
has died of AIDS. About 89 (11.2%) and 136 (17.8%) of the respondents reported
that mosquito bite and eating raw meat prepared by a person infected by HIV
transmitted the disease of HIV/AIDS respectively. At least half of the respondents
49.1% were said they are put at risk of getting HIV/AIDS. From the respondents
91.5%, 79.6% and 85.6% mentioned that using condom, being faithfully and
abstaining as a preventive method respectively. Similarly 89.3% of the military
personnels heard about VCT for HIV and 209 (25.6%) previously under gone
voluntary counseling and testing for HIV.
In conclusion, knowledge of condom and HIV/AIDS was high but the utilization
of condom among the study population was low, so there is gap between
knowledge and practices.
It is recommended that the above weakness be removed by continuous health
education on the behavior of military and focused to wards military personnel
(peer leader discussion). Moreover provision of vast VCT program is needed.
Assessment of Condom use for prevention of HIV/AIDS