Sustainable Urban Storm Water Management and Drainage System Modelling in Small Urban Catchment: Case study of Sebeta Town
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of the study is to develop sustainable urban storm water management and modeling drainage
system using SWMM software. Storm water the part of rain fall that is excess water over flow on road
pavement, over drainage system in additionally through block of residential building that makes source of
problem for Humans and vehicles transportations. So, Storm water modeling using SWMM, GIS and
analysis of Sustainable storm water management technics through integrated approach (Best management
practice) is the main methodology used in this study. SWMM is a dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model
used for single event or long-term continuous simulation of runoff quantity primarily in urban areas. Typical
application of SWMM is design and sizing of drainage system components for flood control, Sizing of
detention facilities and their appurtenances, flood plain mapping of natural channel systems. The catchment
study area was found in rainfall region A2. According to IDF curve developed by for the study area the
value of intensity for different return period of time I2=60mm/hr, I5=89mm/hr, I10=108mm/hr,
I25=132mm/hr, I50=150mm/hr and I100=168mm/hr. Model performance of SWMM is done by the result
that we get from SWMM output and runoff measured about fifty days have been evaluated during
comparation through using Nash and Sutc liffe efficiency criteria (NSE), coefficient of determination (R2).
Since the ERA design manual is focused on T5and T10 return period for ditches in urban area, the measured
and simulated value of discharge for return period of T5, NSE value is 0.97, R2 value is 0.99 and forT10
NSE value is 0.701 and R2 value is 0.99. From the above criteria the value of NSE for both T5 and T10 is
located between 0.9 and 1 indicate that the model performs very well as well as the value of R2 is located
between range value of 0 to 1 which shows best model performance.
Sustainable, urban storm water management, drainage system, SWMM, GIS