Farmers’ Perception onClimate Variability Its Impact and Adaptation Strategies: The Case of AnkobereWoreda, North Showa Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


All over the world Climate change is creating significant environmental, ecological, social and economic threats mainly to the farmers of the developing nations. Likely, in Ethiopia, climate change induced risks such as drought, flooding and hot temperature are rapidly increasing and causing adverse effects. Adequate level of farmer’s perception about the cause, indicators and impacts of climate change and its adaptation measures to effectively cope climate change related impact is essential. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to assess farmers’ perception and adaptation to climate change and variability strategies for adaptation in the future. In order to realize this objective, the study employed descriptive type, survey method Primary data were collected using questionnaire, interview, focused group discussion and observation. The study also used secondary data using literature and document review from secondary sources.The study was conducted based on the data generated from three kebeles. Namely, Ayrarakebele with 54 sample households, ZenboKebele with 60 sample households and LayeGorebel with 84 sample households. The sample kebeles was selected based on their agro ecological zones in order to represent the three main agro ecological zones. Accordingly, Ayrarakebele is fall under low altitude (Kola) Zenbokebele is fall under mid altitude (WoynaDega) and Lay Gorebel is found under the agro ecology zone of high altitude (Dega).The total sample size of the respondents were 198 households. As data shows, there is variation of temperature of the woreda in general and the sample kebele in particular showing that there is a variation of temperature by 0.48oC in the past three decades or thirty two years . Similarly, according to data gathered from Ethiopia National Meteorological Service Agency, there is variation of rainfall in the past three decades keeping that the existence of high variability. Besides, the warmest year observed in 2010 (13.73 oC) and the minimum or the coldest year observed in 1999 (12.22 oC). The results revealed that respondents’ age, educational status, sex, family size, access to extension services, wealth (farm size, number of farming oxen, cattle, ruminant animals and pack animals), farming experience and significantly effect on farmers perception on climate change and adaptation. Climate change has a drastic impact on agricultural output, with total crop failure and livestock loss. To minimize the impacts of climate change and variability the farmers of the study area had use different local and introduced types of adaptation mechanisms, Like; early maturing crop varieties, water and soil conservation, rehabilitation of gullies and mountain were long term adaptation practices applied by farmers with the help of all concerned bodies. Keywords: Climate change/variability, Adaptation, Vulnerability, Perception



Climate change/variability, Adaptation, Vulnerability, Perception
