The Practices and Challenges of Pre-Schooling in Dawuro Zone

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Addis Ababa University


The paper exa mined the practi ces and challenges of pre schooling in Dawuro zone. Quali tat ive case study ['01' spec ific contex tual survey was utilized. Interview, observati on and FGD were employed to get intensive data from particular schools' teachers, parents and Woreda and Zonal L'duc,llion experts in the zone. Document analys is was also employed from regiona l educa tion Ilurcau. I.llnal educat ion department and the stu died five schools. Thus, th e wholc data wcrc ca tegori zed thcmatically and analyzed and the fin dings were drawn. According to the findings show that pre schools were not led by proper profess ional s, budget, and timc and instructi on materi als. The phys ica l environments and con texts were not adequate to pre schooling. Therefore. the study recommended th at the stake holders have to recognize the ex isting problems of the kindergartens and stretch their hands to the va rious pri vate and governmental organi zati ons to tackle the problems.



challenges of pre schooling
