The Scaffolding of Illegal Drugs Controlling and Prevention: A Case of the Drug Controlling Unit of the Federal Police Crime Prevention, at Bole International Airport
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Addis Ababa University
This research aims at investigating the scaflolding o/illegal drugs prevention and controllin)!, of
the Federal Police Counter Narcotics Controlling Division, at Bole International Airport. The
study used both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Data pertinent to the .I'tl.l(O' '''ere
gathered through close-ended questionnaire, open-ended questionnaire, and key infimnW1I
interviews. Samples o/the study were picked by using census method and purposive sampling
While quantitatively generated data were analyzed by using percentile, the rest collectedji'oll1
open-ended questionnaire and key informants interviews have been Ihematically interpreted. The
findings o/the study indicate Ihal illegal drugs trafficking are steadily increasing and the airport
IS highly manipulated by experienced traffickers. Cocaine, cannabis, heroin, and
methamphetamine drugs were caught while they were being trafficked. The study also idel1lified
the need to strengthen the unit with skilled police officers, ethically esteemed police officers, and
advanced police technologies. The s/udy could iden/i/y /he salience of/arming coopera/ion lI'itli
in/ernal and ex/ernal s/akeholders having grea/ role /0 ,HOp the epidemic oj'tlm)!,s. Finall)',
unskilled and inadequa/e officers, absence 0/ advanced /echnologies, minimull1 sen/ence jiJr
imprisonmen/ o/traffickers and less allention by the Federal Police Commission are di.I'cOI'aee!
as challenges to improve the efficiency of the unit of Counler Narcotics Controllin)!, Division.
Scaffolding of Illegal Drugs