The Practice and Challenges of Psychologists Who are working as Career Counselors and Trainees Satisfaction to the Service of fered in Amhara National Regional State TVET
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to survey the practice and challenges of psychologists who were
working as career counselors & trainees reaction to the service offered in ANRS TVET institutes
and colleges. A questionnaire, practice and challenge scales were administered to a ramloll!
sample of 38 male and 6 female career counselors. In addition, satiojaction scale was also
administered to a random sample of 167 female & 165 male trainees. 7'-test, cil i-sijuare, ()11 <' Way
ANOVA & TukeylKramer (IX) post hoc mUltiple comparisons was employed in the dala
analysis. The study found out encouraging practice of career counseling service in the foul'
dimension of career counseling practice. In helping trainees to identify their interest, values ami
abilities 68.18% of career counselors rated their practice as adequate and on awareness
creation activities, 68.18% of career counselors believed that their practice as encouraging
Concerning career counselors effort to help trainees handle their educational and vocational
problel11s 75% of th el11 lrere .IiJund to be help.litl in identifying and handling educational and
vocational problel11s. With regard to the provision of career information to their trainees,
81 .82% of career counselors appreciated their activities. Statistically significant difference were
observed between less & beller-experienced career counselors in providing .career counseling
service except the identification of trainees ' interest, values and abilities. In all statistically
significant results, beller-experienced career counselors provide improved activities. In addition,
in facing the challenge the study failed to reveal statistical significant relat ionship(X2
= 0.14, df
=1, p> 0.05) between less and beller experienced career counselors. The results of t-test F01l1
the tilree dimensions trainees' satisfaction indicate that there was only one statistical sign!/icunt
difference between male and fe1l1ale trainees on their satisfaction derived ./i"OI11 the initiatiol1 or
Iheir cureer counselors. By year level, there were statistically sign!/icanl variations al U.Oj
levels. TK mean comparison analysis revealed that trainees ' sati.liaction increases as their year
level increases. Finally, implication, summary, conclusion and recomll1endation were lI1ade.
Psychologists Who are working as Career Counselors