The Implementation of Diploma Level Distance Education in Private Higher Education Institutions of Addis Ababa City Adminstra Tion

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this study was to identifY, examine and describe the current implementation status of diploma level distance education programs in private distance institution of Addis Ababa city administration so as to forward the problems they face and to suggest possible recommendations which will help them to provide better educational services to the public. To this end answers to the basic questions pertaining to the manner of course material designing, preparation and distribution, tutorial and exam administration, manner of student support services and medias used to deliver the course sought for. The research methodology employed in this study was descriptive survey. The data were collected through questionnaire and interview. The obtained data were analyzed by using percentage, mean value and in some cases one way-A NO VA. The qualitative data obtained Fom open-ended question and interviews were presented as given by the respondents. 711e findings of the study revealed that, most private higher distance education institutions of Addis Ababa were preparing course materials which were relevant and self instructional, in the form of print materials (module). The courses given were supported with tutor marked assessment which learners submit for each courses. However, the study also found out problems related to learner support services, tutorial sessions and exam administration, The study fu rther revealed that distance education institutions were not in a position to use the new information communication technologies in their system. In this age of technological advancement, they still depend only print materials which are an age old practice. The availability of student support services also almost nonexistence which needs due attention from all concerned parties. Finally, on the basis of the findings, it was recommended that, distance education providers should have given due attention on the implementation of the program specifically in supporting the course with new information technologies ,giving sufficient advise and counseling services and make the face-to-filCe tutorial sessions helpful to the learners among all others.



Diploma Level Distance Education i
