Use and Conservation of Traditional Medicinal Plants in Alelitu Woreda North Shewa, Oromia Region Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


An Ethnobotanical study was conducted between September 2018 to June 2019 to document medicinal plants used by local people and their indigenous knowledge in Alelitu District, North Shewa Zone of Oromia Region. Data were collected from eighty informants in 11 kebeles by using Semi-structured interview, group discussion, guided field walk and Market survey. A total of 83 medicinal plants that belong to 77genera and 43 families were gathered.The family Asteraceae was represented by the highest (10,12%) species, followed by Lamiaceae (7,8.4%) species. Herbs were the highest, (42,50.6%) followed by Growth forms Shrubs (21.25.3 %). Most of the medicinal plant species (49,59%) were collected from wild. The most frequently used plant part was the leaf (63,50%)followed by the root (26,21%).Fresh (69%) form of remedy preparation was the highest followed by dried form(20%).The highest mode of preparation was Crushing(59,42%). The most widely used route of administration were Oral (31,37%) followed by dermal (24,28.9%).The most commonly used application of medicinal plants was drinking. The result of preference ranking exercise showed that Ocimium lamiifolium was the most preferred species by traditional healers for treatment of febrile illness. Juniperus procera was the most widely used multipurpose species. The major threat factor of medicinal plants in the study area was agricultural expansion. In order to protect biodiversity erosion and loss of indigenous knowledge, local communities must be trained and involved in conservation and management of plant resources and their indigenous knowledge. Also give attention for conservation of medicinal plants by cultivated in home garden.



Ethnobotany, Indigenous Knowledge, Remedy Preparation, Traditional Medicine
