The Practice and Challenges of Communication Employed by the Federal Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission
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Addis Ababa University
The aim of this study is to examine the practice and challenges of communication em pl oyed by
the Federal Ethics and An ti-Corruption Commission (FEACC). In add ition to assess in g th e
practice and challenges, the study also focused on identifying the strength, weaknesses and ga ps
of the Conunissio n's communication practice.
To this end, the study employed the two-way sy mmetrical public relations model as a theoretical
framewo rk to inform the Shldy. A qualitative study design was used as the main method of
research in order to in vestigate the practices and challenges of the communicati on practice of the
Commission. In addition to the qualitative method, th e shld y also llsed a quantitative study
design in order to triangulate the various sources of data during analysis. Under the qual it ative
study design, document analysis, interview and observations were used, where as under tbe
quantitative research design, questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. Questionnaire
respo ndents were selected by purposive and convenience sa mpling techn iques. QuestiOlmaires
were d ist ributed among 100 respondents and 83 completed questionnaires (83%) were analyzed .
In addition, interview was conducted wit h tour employees ancl one supervisor.
The findings show that there have been challenges and gaps in the communication practi ce
although some achievements were made. Disorganized communication practice that caused
communication activities to be dispersed to different detriments; la<,;k of clear guide lines on