Factors Influencing the Implement A Tion of Problem Solving Approach in the Second Cycle Primary Schools of Tigray
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Addis Ababa University
The objective of the present study is to examine the factors influencing the
implementation of the problem solving approach in the upper or second cycle primary
schools of southern Tigray admini strati ve zone. Nine schools found in four weredas were
se lected as sample study areas using the quota and simple random sampling.
A total 306 respondents have participated as the source of data. 112 Teachers including
principals, 5 Wareda educational supervisors and 9 Curriculum development experts
were also taken using the avai lable sampling techniques. 180 Students were se lected
randomly,S students from each grade level. A questiOlUlaire was thus administered to
investigate views held by teachers, supervisors, experts and students on the issue. The
questionna ire dealing about school fac ili ties, teachers level of training, attitude to the
profession, the organization of curriculum material s, and the and supervi sory support
given to schools was administered to teachers, supervisors and students. Experts of
textbook development were made to respond about the organization of curriculum
materials by expressing their level of agreement on the issues.
Analysis of the results indicates that there is lack of resources and facilities in schools to
be avai lable, Low level of teacher's qualification and awareness to shoulder the
responsibilities of teaching, weak curriculum material development as well as in
suffici ent supervisory assistance to the schools were found factors to influence the
implementation of problem solving approach.
A recommendation is made to fulfill facilities, strictly following classroom standard
popul ation, up grading the professional quali fication of people engaged in the teaching
process, mak ing frequent supervisory assistance to schools and organizing short term
workshops, seminars as well as to encourage an inter staff training were also
recommended. In preparing the textbooks efforts to exploit the necessary resources and
inputs of related professional was suggested as a solution to minimize the defects of the
curricullllll material s.
Problem Solving