The Impact of Premarital Counseling on Marital Satisfaction, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Intimacy and Commitment of Married Couples in Some Selected Protestant Churches in Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
T he impact of premarital coun se lin g interven ti o n on marita l sati s facti on, communi cat io n ,
conflict reso lution, in ti macy a nd co mm it me n t is an impo rt a nt area of re sea rc h in the
co nt ext of crea ting health y ma rriage and re lationship . This has not been previo usly
exami ned in Et hi opia. In thi s stud y, 104 co upl es (52 coupl es of pre m arital co un se lin g
rece ivers a nd 52 co u p les of non-receive rs of the se r v ice) we re the participants w ho we re
se le cted from Geja, Mekani s a, Boll e, Akaki a nd Hibret kale I-ri wet Churc hes in Ad di s
A baba us in g s impl e random technique . 40 self- re port and 12 background questio nn a ir e
items we re deve loped by the researcher. These questi o nn ai re ite m s we re distributed to th e
participants and fi ll ed out by th em and anal yzed usin g t-test to exami ne the mean
diffe re nc es betwee n co uples of prema ri ta l co un se ling se rv ice recei vers and non -receive rs
o n marital sati sfaction, co mmunicati o n, co nfli ct resolu tion, intimacy a n d commi tme nt.
A lso a one-way ANOVA was used to examine th e impact of major soc io-demograp hi c
characte ri s tics on th e a bove fi ve vari ab les of the study. The results indi cated th at there
was a s ignifi ca nt difference between cou p les of premarital counselin g receiver and no nrece
ive r in their marital sa ti sfaction, communication, co nflict reso luti on and commitm ent
le ve l. It a lso in dicated tha t til e mea n values of marita l sati s fa c ti on, cO lllmunicati on a nd
confli ct resoluti on meas u res varied as a nlilction of th e number of years th at co upl es
s pent in their marriage. The Mean va lu es of marital intim acy and co mmi tment measu res
did not show s ignificant d ifferences in any o f th e soc io -d emograph ic c ha racteri sti cs . The
findi n gs of the st udy und erline th e importance of providing p remarital counsel in g serv ice
fo r th e co upl es belore th ei r m a rri age to increase ma ri ta l sati s faction , co mm uni cation
skill s, and confli ct resoluti o n sk ill s o n th e part of th e ma rri ed coupl es.
Premarital Counseling on Marital Satisfaction