The Role Of Supply Chain Management On Availability Of Fast Moving Consumer Goods: The Case Of Sugar Commodity In Bole Sub City, Addis Ababa City Administration

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Addis Ababa University


The objective of this study was to assess the role of SCM practices on availability of sugar commodity with particular location to Bole sub city Retailers. This research is to fill the research gaps that were not addressed by any one of the earlier studies. The study followed mixed. The research design used was explanatory design. The data collection process depended up on primary and secondary data. Yamane Formula was used for sample size determination of retailers from the population and Systematic random sampling from sample frame to distribute questionnaire. Purposive techniques for consumers and census for suppliers, union association, Union Consumer associations, AACA trade and industry staff, Sugar dependent factories for interview purpose were used. The data analysis was by descriptive along with quantitative information from tables and qualitative information from interview. Findings of the study showed that, in Supply chain of sugar, there is a communication gap between, retailers and suppliers hence the supply chain integration is not well built. The findings of the study also showed that the stock out of sugar product at retail center and failing retailers to fulfill customers’ interest is due to the poor execution of SCM practices by the chain participants. Moreover, the findings of the study showed that level of information sharing and customer relationship are very determinant for the availability of product. Furthermore, the influence of SCM practices on availability of product was tested using inferential statistics, correlation and regression analysis and the findings showed that they have positive relationship between independent and dependent variables resulting independent variables 43.3% of variance product availability is due to supplier relationship, information sharing practices, quality of information sharing practices and customer relationships.



practices, Availability, product
