KAP study in Harar Town High School students on Family Planning
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Addis Abeba Universty
In Ethiopia, there is no reliable information about sexual
behaviours and contraception usage of adolescent students. The
incidence of morbidity and mortality of young female students due
to induced abortion of unwanted pregnancy is increasing. This is
a cross sectional study which was conducted to assess the
knowledge, attitude, and practice of high school students in
Harar town toward family planning. A total of 1674 students from
11th and 12th grades aged between 15 and 26 years were interviewed
by means of self administered anonymous questionnaires. The
respondents were 887(52.9%) males and 787 (47.1%) females.
The major finding of the study were that 20% of females and
65% of the males admitted to having had sexual intercourse. The
average score of knowledge and attitude items about FP was 8.3 out
of 13 and 7.3 points out of 10 respectively. Among those who had
sexual intercourse, 60.3% of the females and 67.1% of the males
reported that they knew at least one type of contraceptive methods.
Of the sexually active females, 59.6% were using one of the
contraceptive methods. However, the majority (76.3%) were using the
calender method and only 19.4% said they used birth control pills
or condoms. One fifth of the male respondents (20.0%) used
condoms. A total of 21.8% of females who are sexually experienced
have been pregnant, and 55.9% of them have terminated the pregnancy
by means of induced abortion.
The main source of eM information was mass media (31. 3 %)
followed by school (24.2%). More than half of the respondents
(53.3%) have an intention to use contraceptive methods in the
future . The majority (93.7%) of the respondents approved the
provision of information in school about contraception and STDs.
In our findings the knowledge of the students was modest and
the practice of contraceptive utilization was low. This information
can be used in planning family life education programs.
KAP study in Harar Town High School