Value Chain Analysis Of White Haricot Bean From Farmers To Exporters

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Addis Ababa University


Value chain analysis describes the activities within and around an organization, and relates them to an analysis of the competitive strength of the organization. Therefore, it evaluates which value each particular activity adds to the organizations products or services. White haricot beans are a grain crop mainly produced in Ethiopia for export purpose. It grows in most of the agro-ecology zones of low and mid altitude areas of the country. The objective of this study was to analyze the white haricot bean value chain from farmers to exporters and thoroughly describe the relationship along this chain that comprises of the each actor that has an active role in delivery of the product to final consumers at a reasonable price and to their convenience. The study were used descriptive analysis. In this study non-probability and probability sampling methods used, specifically purposive sampling and simple random sampling technique deployed as a sampling technique since the list of target population is known. A total of 87 farmers 70 sample white haricot bean producers were randomly selected from the Melka Adama kebeles. They were 86 customers or member of white haricot bean at ECX thus 71 were selected and provided with questionnaire in such a ways that they could understand it and able to answer to the level of their knowledge. However; questioners gathered from 62 member of ECX. Structure and semi-structure interview also gathered from east shoa zone around Adama farmers. The export analysis were depending on the data obtained from the different respective organizations like ministry of trade, ECX, and Ministry of Agriculture. The data entry and analysis was conducted by using SPSS version 20. It was concluded that vertical and horizontal linkages between the actors were more or less performing well in their value adding practice. The findings of the study revealed that there was no meaningful vertical integration between exporters, wholesalers, farmers and ECX company at all. The study recommended for Strengthening the new white haricot bean trading system through excessive public awareness programs have to be done by all stakeholders to market actors to enhance participation in the ECX market, strengthening a primary markets to improve product supply and improve warehouse access and other facilities in the major producing areas of the crop, especially in Oromia region because Oromia region takes the largest share of the production of white haricot bean compare to the other regions



Value chain analysis,, White haricot beans, actors
