Association between foot type and podoconiosis: comparative cross-sectional study,North west,Ethiopia,2018/19.

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Addis Abeba University


Background: Podoconiosis is neglected tropical diseases of foot; that affects barefooted subsistence farmers who have long term exposure for volcanic red soils. In earlier studies the diseases is assumed to be caused by genetic –environment interaction. The fact that the diseases are multi factorial in origin and not all barefooted individuals develop podoconiosis initiates the researcher to investigate which type of foot is more liable to develop podoconiosis. Methodology: Comparative cross-sectional study design was conducted in Gojjam North west Ethiopia using standard clinical (FPI-6) measurements for control groups and digital radiographic (angular) measurements for cases to determine foot type. Univarate, bivarate and multivariate analysis was used. Result: A total of 144 households with 144 members aged 18 years and above were included in the study. Almost all patients (99.0%) were in the age group 15-64 (the age group that includes economically active individuals in Ethiopia), did not read or write (65.0%), and were farmers (87.0%). Those who are illiterate, un married were more affected by podoconiosis (AOR = 3.378, p=0.079 and AOR = 8.664, p = 0.027). The average monthly income is the other finding which is associated with podoconiosis development (AOR =0.999, p< 0.001). Individuals who were shoes early in their life are less likely to develop podoconiosis (1.075, p = 0.018). The population with low and high arched are more likely to develop podoconiosis (AOR = 2.096 and AOR=15.383) respectively. Discussion: In our study low and high arched community members who are above age eighteen are more likely to develop podoconiosis. This may be the low arched foot exposes individuals in more surface area to volume ratio for the ground so that the chance of the silica to penetrate the foot will be increased where as for those who are high arched individuals the plantar pressure between the foot and the ground is high than other foot types that may again give the opportunity for red silica to penetrate the skin of the foot. Conclusion and recommendation: The study winds up with individuals who have low arched foot are more affected with podoconiosis than other foot types. The findings of the study also reassure podoconiosis affects more the poor and illiterate population than the rich and literate population. For this the researcher suggests large scale combination of foot parameters and genetics should be done for developing effective management of podoconiosis



Anatomy, foot type , podoconiosis

