The Involvement of men in family Planning an Application of Transtheoretical model in Wolaita Soddo town south Ethiopia

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Addis Abeba Universty


Introduction Reproductive health in its broader sense should be a concern for all and not for just that of women, and reproductive health matters needs the attention of entire family and the society at large. Historically most reproductive health programs focused mainly on women and offered their services exclusively to women’s. Most viewed women as the target group and paying little attention to the role that men might have with respect to women’s reproductive decision making and behavior. The behaviors of husband and male sexual partners have significant impact on the contraceptive use of their wives and partners.This study explored the involvement of men in family planning by employing one of the health behavior models TransTheoretical model (TTM) in Wolaita Soddo town. Objectives To assess the involvement of men in fertility preference and contraceptive use by using of Tran theoretical model of behavior change Methodology Community based cross-sectional study was done in Wolaita zone, Soddo town Southern Ethiopia. Both qualitative and quantitative method was employed Focus group discussion was a qualitative method to complement the finding of the quantitative study. Data entry, data cleaning and analysis was done by SPSS version15 soft ware package. Ethical clearance was obtained from school of public health faculty of medicine. viii Result About 96% of the respondents were familiar with at least one family planning method the commonly known method pills (96%) Injectables (94.5%), condom (88.6%) Norplant (35.3%) and IUD (22.5%) Overall 65.5% of married men currently practice family planning method 77.5% approved use of contraception and about 60% of study participant discussed the issue of family planning. Behavioral stage of men in family planning method use, 26.7% were in the precontemplation Stage,7.8% contemplation,4.5% preparation,16.1% in the action stage 49.4% in maintenance stage. Conclusion and recommendation The study found high prevalence of knowledge of contraceptive methods among married men, but a relatively low utilization of male method. Discussion between spouses and their joint decision-making on contraceptive use was also found to be high. Most of behavioural stage of men was in maintenance/action stage. Targeted Stage based IEC intervention were recommended Key Words Family planning, Male involvement, Transtheoretical model, Stage of change, Targeted Intervention



Family planning, Male involvement, Transtheoretical model, Stage of change, Targeted Intervention

