Urban Parks by Application GIS: Status and Implication On Urban Sustainable Tourism in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


Urban parks play a pivotal role in enhancing the tourism sector. The study aimed to examine the status of urban parks and their implication for sustainable urban tourism in Addis Ababa using GIS and mixed approaches. GIS-based buffer analysis has been adopted to determine the status of urban parks and assess the coverage of urban parks within the city. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used in the research. In the first stage, purposive sampling was applied to select three parks depending on their sizes and location. In the second stage simple random sampling was used to select the community respondents and purposive sampling was adopted to select the key informants. Data were collected using questionnaires, personal observation, and interviews. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics: frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation. Also, the contribution of urban parks to urban sustainability was assessed by considering the distribution of parks and the perception of the community from the stakeholder’s perspective. The research finding shows urban park status in Addis Ababa city has a problem. The government only gives more attention to other land use infrastructures without considering urban parks. Because of this most of the city part didn’t have enough urban parks. The GIS analysis result revealed 45 % of the city area didn’t have a sufficient urban park service. Also, 55 % of those who have access to urban parks have a problem getting appropriate benefits from urban parks. The community’s economic, environmental, and socio-cultural aspects that benefited from urban parks were about 55%, 82%, and 61% respectively. This percentage includes those who agreed by considering the future benefit of urban parks to the community even though they are not benefited this time. The contribution of urban parks to urban sustainability result shows it has a high relationship between the distribution of urban parks and the community’s well-being from the perspective of economic, environmental and socio-cultural benefit. As the community benefits from urban parks, it can give a benchmark for sustainable urban tourism. Taking into account how parks are distributed can help the community get urban park service close to where they live and benefit from the economic, environmental, and social interaction around parks, which will lead to good urban tourism and sustainable tourism for the city. From this, City administration must consider urban park accessibility to the residents and The government should not only increase the number of parks, but it should also improve the spatial distribution to make sure sustainable urban tourism.



community, GIS Sustainability, Tourism, Urban Park, urban tourism
