Assessment of Factors Affecting Interregional Conflict Resolution in Federal Ethiopia: The Case of Oromia and Somali Regions
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Addis Ababa University
The Elhiopian governmenl designed a conslillilion Ihal have a democralic and In/ilion righls
Ihal gllaranleedjor Ihe cilizen ajier Ihefcdl of Derg regime. All peoples o.lElhiopia have a
pro/ect;on as national and regional in both international convention and Domes/ic lall's
wilhinlhe cOllntry. Th is study was designed to assess the foctors affecting interregional Conflict
Resolulion in Gromia and Somali regions o.l Elhiopia. In order to address the research
objective. Ih is sludy employed both Ihe descriptive and explanatOlY research design. Moreover.
both qualitative and quantilative research approaches were employed since mixed methods helps
to make use of different data source. Data were collected Fom prilllwy and secondwJI sources
Ihrough questionnaires, inlerviews, doclimenl review. FGD and observalion. The researcher lIsed
both probability and non probability sampling lechniques to draw Ihe sample. In tOlal, 50 high
experts. 15 elders, 10 leaders 10 persons Fom diffirent sociel ies were selected randomly and 25
key informants were plllposefidly selected. Finally, the raw data collected through the survey
were analyzed based on qualilative and qUClntitalive dolo analysis /echniques involving
descriplive and SPSS analysis. From this analysis 10 bring sllslainable peace wilhin Ihe 1\110
regions were Ihe major problems wilhin the Slake holders. The SIIlC0' also found Ihal
dijjerenliale the root cause and trigger or immediate cause of the two regions, IInclear
demarcalion of lerrilorial arrangemenl as a rejerendum and Ihe miss use ollegal binding
aclors are anolher problems. So, in order 10 accommodale Ihe two regions people beneficial
differenlialions beller 10 have solve demarcalion ollerrilorial bOllndaries problems and
mediate genuinely andjustice .
federal Ethiopia