The Impact of Male Involvement in Family Planning: A Case Study in Yeka Sub-city, Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
This study assessed the impact of male involvement in family planning by taking Yeka sub-city as
a case study, which is found to be the least in contraceptive usage form the 10 sub-cites found in
Addis Ababa. The study used both qualitative and quantitative data and to gather the required
information used semi-structured interview with key informants, structured questionnaire to
collect information from married individuals living in the sub-city, and a focus group discussion
held with women who use FP program in Kotebe health center. The study used simple random
sampling to select the individuals included in the study. From the three health centers found in this
sub-city, kebeles with the largest number of clients coming to those Hes for contraceptive selected
to take the samples. To analyze and interpret the data Micro-Soft Excel used to arrange the data.
The qualitative data decoded and incorporated in the analysis to draw inference.
The study disclose that men involvement could have a multiple advantage in promoting shared
reproductive decision making such as contraceptive usage, fertility desire and intention, as well
mutual responsibility in house chores and child caring. The finding indicate that men involvement
play important role in the use of contraceptive, a lot has to be done related to ferti lity related
attitudes and behaviours and for effective provision of family planning. Also found out men are
considered to be beyond the scope of family planning programmes; the reason include the notions
that reproduction is primarily a women's issue and that men usually do not take responsibility for
reproductive health and family planning. The study suggests that a need to design a program
which involves men to meet their needs and to change their attitudes towards RH/FP issues
motivate them to be partners.
Impact of Male Involvement in Family Planning