A Content Analysis on Ebc “WUBETACHIN ” Entertainment Tv Program in Promoting Ethiopian Culture
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Addis Ababa University
Our daily life is highly related with the media. People have trust on the media because it has the
power to hold attention and plays a vital role in shaping personality, values and beliefs.
Especially television since it is a medium with lots of choices. Sports, music, news, culture and
soon. In Ethiopia the cultural knowledge of the various nations, nationalities and peoples of
Ethiopia have been limited to respective localities. As far as my knowledge not a single study
was made on this issue and the role of media in promoting this cultural diversity. So, this study
was conducted to explore the role of EBC in promoting Ethiopian culture, by analyzing
“wubetachin” cultural (musical) show. The main objectives were as to find out basic cultural
areas in which the program tries to meet, Assess the challenges and opportunities of
“wubetachin” entertainment program in promoting Ethiopian culture and, evaluate the
implication of the program in promoting cultural diversity. It was guided by three basic research
questions and Functionalist and Propaganda theory were applied. To get the appropriate data,
both qualitative and quantitative approaches were employed in the study. Quantitative data were
collected from 85 randomly distributed questionnaires and content analysis of twelve randomly
selected programs. For the qualitative data 9 key informants were selected. Two editors, two
program producers, 4 artists from the cultural music industry and one person from the national
cultural center were interviewed. Collected data were analyzed in terms of frequency and
percentage. The findings of the study show that the attempt EBC “wubetachin” program make to
promote Ethiopian culture is encouraging. However, the way the program was done is somewhat
shallow in different perspectives. Recommendations were also made based on the conclusions
drawn from the findings that strong emphasis should be given to the program in order to solve
the challenges and produce an outstanding program which can bring a better understanding of
Ethiopian culture.
Entertainment Tv Program in Promoting Ethiopian Culture