Contributions of Urban Agriculture to Household Food Security: A Case Study in Kirkos Sub City, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Study

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Addis Ababa University


In urban areas where household food security relies on household income, work opportunities and an efficient grocery store system are crucial to improving access to food. A study was undertaken to investigate the main objective of the study is to explore the contribution of urban agriculture (UA) to the household food security of urban farmers in Addis Ababa, taking Kirkos Sub city as a case study. In this study, the researcher used both quantitative and qualitative research approaches in order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of variables of interests in situation. In addition, the study was also said to be explanatory in design because there is intent to establish the relationship between dependent variable of the study. In addition, sample key informants and groups were selected for undertaking Focus Group Discussion (FGD) about urban agricultural practice in the area, the challenges and opportunities in production, marketing as well as access to credit facilities. The study was used a probability sampling technique (purposive selection of areas). The specific quantitative methods of analysis employed in this study was include the statistical tools such as descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, and the ordinal logistic Regression and coefficient of determination to examine the interrelations between different variables. Additionally, maps, graphs, and charts were used to organize and illustrate the data clearly and precisely were be employed questioner, interview, and KII and FGD. 48.2% of respondents were food secure, while 23.1% and 28.7% of them were mildly and moderately food insecure respectively. 33.8% of respondents believed that urban agriculture helped them to meet variety of food needs for daily consumption and the rest replied it was not sufficient to meet their daily varieties of food needed. Around 47.2% of respondents replied that UA helped them to meet all year-round food requirements and 22.6% said that UA they producing were unable to cover year-round food requirements for their household. Most of respondents replied their income was increased by urban agriculture they engaged in. Results showed that 72.3% of respondents have land resources used for urban agriculture and 27.7% replied they didn’t have land resources used for farm. The ordinal logistic regression model revealed that independent variables namely, Age, family size, formal education, household head, monthly income, marital status, educational level, mainly income source, farming experience, land access and market access were found to be statistically significant predictor for house hold food security. There was food insecurity prevalence among urban agriculture engaged households therefore this needs additional supports and increasing intensity of urban agriculture types. There were input problem mainly animal feeds for livestock; thus, this need supports and interventions of governmental institutions.



Addis Ababa city, urban agriculture, Food security, Ordinal logistic regression
