Implementation of the Right to Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining in Foreign Direct Investments in Ethiopia: The Case of Bole-Lemi Industrial Park

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The right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is one of the labor rights recognized by international instruments. This thesis tries to assess the implementation of the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining in FDI’s in Ethiopia by specific reference to Bole-Lemi industrial park. Accordingly, the finding of the research indicates that the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is less implemented and there are only two trade unions which are almost nonfunctioning out of 11 companies operating in the park. Various reasons are associated to this according to the data collected by interviews and focus group discussions conducted with different stake holders. Workers, Trade union leaders, CETU officials and MOLSA Representatives argue that the companies operating in the industrial park are less willing to the formation of trade unions in their respective companies, while Employers’ Association claims awareness of the workers. With regards to collective bargaining, the existing trade unions are week and nonfunctioning to put pressure on employers and make the bargaining happen. There is no signed collective agreement between employers and trade unions in the park. Government should take strong policy measure on removing all hindrances to establishment of trade union and orient the law of the country to foreign investors who wants to invest in Ethiopia.



Right to Freedom,Foreign Direct Investments,Bole-Lemi Industrial Park

