Psychosocial Care and Services for HIV/AIDS Orphans in Ahope and Kidane Mehret Children's Homes Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa University
This study was initiated to understand psychosocial care and service for HIV/AIDS orphan
children living in Addis Ababa orphanage. It was conducted in selected institution in Addis
Ababa. A qualitative non-probability sampling approach was selected to conduct the research.
In depth interviews and focus group discussions were employed with ten children caregivers and
each focus group discussions had five members. Likewise, ten HIV/AIDS orphaned children were
selected and interviewed in their living compound plus two focus group discussions were made
with project staff and each group consisted of five participants. Observation method was also
employed in this study where I observed the interaction between children and their caregivers.
Data analysis was done using thematic analysis. The participants’ views were based on the fact
that the orphanage offers the basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, health care and
education. Only material support does not make children to develop fully. The psychological
supports and parental love was less emphasized. It emerged during the study that HIV/AIDS
orphan children were not receiving adequate parenting love, care and interaction with their
respective caregivers. Caregivers seemed to lack adequate parenting roles as well as the
necessary qualifications and skills to care for HIV/AIDS orphans. HIV/AIDS Orphans
themselves, as a result of inadequate and insufficient caring skills, were not receiving adequate
education and experience necessary to equip them with social, moral, cognitive and emotional
skills. The finding of the present study revealed no access to grow up in a family environment,
low interaction with their caregivers (lack of parental love) and lack of sufficient survival skill.
Likewise, the studies showed that orphans spent more time with each other and lacked adult
figure who could have trained them how to develop basic life skills.