Magnitude of HBV and HIV among Woman at Comprehensive Abortion Care Units and Their Knowledge, Attitude and Practice at Selected Sub-cities Health Institution in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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Addis Abeba University
Background: HIV and HBV are major public health problem worldwide with highly prevalent
in developing countries like Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Both of these infections share similar
mode of transmission which is horizontal and parental transmission. Community primarily based
studies regarding the prevalence of every viral infection among women on comprehensive
abortion and care unit at selected sub cities in Addis Ababa Ethiopia has not been conducted.
Objective: To determine the Magnitude of HBV and HIV among woman at comprehensive
abortion care units and their knowledge, attitude and practice at selected public health institute in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from December 2019 to May 2020.
Methods: Across sectional study was conducted among 423womenattending on comprehensive
abortion and care at private and government health care units, at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from
December 2019 to May 2020. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on, sociodemographic
attitude and practice via face to
face interview. The presence of antibodies to HIV was tested based on the national testing
algorithm. Hepatitis B surface antigen was tested using rapid test in adherence with the
manufacturer instruction and positive results was confirmed by Bio-Rad ELISA kits. Data entry
and analysis was done using SPSS.
Results: The overall prevalence of HBV and HIV among participants was7.6% (n=32/423) and
4.7% (n=20/423) respectively. The prevalence of HIV is higher in the age group of 20-24
years old with 7.8 %( n=8/103). Similarly, HBV was higher in the age group of 30-34 years
old with 13.6% (n= 9/66). From the total participants, 78.6% did not know how the disease is
transmitted, 77.8% (n=329/423) believed that HBV can be transmitted through contaminated
water, 81.6(n=343(/423) had no information about the availability of HBV vaccine and 96%
(n=406/423) were not vaccinated.
Conclusion: The magnitude of HBV and HIV among participants of the study was
intermediate it might be due to low knowledge, attitude and practice towards the transmission
and prevention of the disease. Therefore, necessary to creating awareness for woman about the
transmission and prevention mechanisms of HBV and HIV infection. Large scale study is
recommended at national level.
HIV and HBV, Sero-prevalence, KAP, knowledge, attitudes and practice.