Preliminary Investigation of Potentiometric Stripping Analysis at the Gel Stablized Water/Oil Interface

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Addis Ababa,University


Po t en t i ometric s t ripping ana l ys i s (PSA) was applied t o the interface between two immiscible electrolyte solutions (IT I ES). The analysis was done on anions of t hi ocya nate, perchlorate and nitra te . Po l yviny l chlo r ide- nitrobenzene (PVC - nb ) gel ' .... as prepared fo l l owing the pr ocedure in troduced by Senda e t a l I Bunseki Kagaku , 33 (1 98 4 ) E 371] and t he PVC- nb gel e le c trode wa s cons t r ucted us ing polytetrafluor oet hylene (PTFE) t ub ing as a main ce l l body . The behavi our of t he cell was charac terized by ac and dc cyclic voltammetry and r e pr oducible vo l tammog r ams we re obt a ined showing t ha t the i on transpor t pr ocess es in both phases i s dif f usion controlled . The r e ve r s i bi li t y of the sys tem ยท.. .. a s also t es ted us ing cu rrent r eve rs a l techniques . The dependence of transition time (l l on depos ition t i me and depos i t i on (or e nr ichment) pot enti a ls was quall~ tat i vely studied . From t his pr eliminary study the method (PSAl was found t o be quite applicable for t he electro lysis of ions aCFOSS the ITIES.



Preli Minary Invest Igation of Potenti Ometric Stripping

